When I first met Summer, I had just returned home from my YWAM DTS in Northern Ireland. I was 18 and unemployed. I handed my job application to her at Players Restaurant... and the rest is history. Even though I am no longer serving pizza and breadsticks at that beautiful establishment, it is still somewhat of a 2nd home, and the people there are my twisted 2nd family. Anyyyyyways... I worked with Summer for 3 years before I took off to pursue photography full time -- and now she's getting married! So she, Jeremy, and I crawled (literally) all over the San Simeon Peninsula (also dubbed "Robin Hood Forrest" by yours truly), exploring the coastline and the depths of the trees. It was really fun getting to see Summer out of the workplace for once, and I can't wait for their wedding in September :)
Another of the many reasons I love my job: it's inspiring to see how well a wedding can represent a couple. From the cowboy boot favors to the horse shoe centerpieces, from the hip swayin' music to the cowboy hats -- Keith and Lindsay's wedding was COVERED in their fingerprints. And I loved every second of it :)
Eric and Sara were so kind as to invite me to help them celebrate their 1-year wedding anniversary by exploring Camp San Luis (where they they got married) and snapping some pictures with them. There is nothing quite like running all over an old military base finding fun places for pictures... it was indeed some sort of heaven :)
This is the 2nd time I've had the pleasure of "shooting" Amanda... this time, however, SHE was the one in white.
And so I got to drive down south for a lovely afternoon, brunch wedding. If it weren't for the wild fire traffic traveling home, the day would have been absolutely perfect :)